
Carwash Water Softener & Spot Free Rinse Water Equipment Guide

Spot-Free Reverse Osmosis Deionization - Carwash Water Softeners
Spot-Free & Scale-Free Rinse Systems For Cars - Air Planes - Automobiles -
Trucks - Boats - RVs - Motorhomes - 5th Wheels - Camper Trailers - Motorcycles

Whether your car wash is home based, auto detailer, car dealership, or commercial car wash... RainDance Water Systems can help determine the best possible residential & commercial water treatment solutions for your needs. Enjoy the benefits and the latest user friendly commercial water softening and spot-free water purification technologies!

Spot-Free Water Wash & Rinse: To achieve the very best results from your vehicle wash a premium Reverse Osmosis Water System should be considered.

Our RO Systems are designed to produce demineralized rinse water on site, on demand and ready for use in your vehicle wash operation. The processed water is used as a final rinse, providing you with a wash quality which is second to none. The Reverse Osmosis process allows ordinary tap water to be purified typically reducing the TDS (mineral spotting) of mains water by 95%- 99%.
Spot Free Rinse Water: Total Dissolved Solids Treated Through Reverse Osmosis
Total dissolved solids (TDS): These are the mineral salts, including but not limited to calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride, sulfate, potassium, and more, that cause spotting in many water applications. As rinse water dries it evaporates into the atmosphere - anything that is not water remains deposited on the surface thus creating a spot that impairs the finish on paint, glass, metals etc. Spot-free water processed through a reverse osmosis system is low in mineral content. Mineral content is measured as total dissolved solids (TDS), and water containing less than 30 parts per million (PPM) of TDS will typically produce a spot free water.

ro / di pure water systems  

400gpd - 1500gpd Spot-Free Reverse Osmosis / Deionization Components & Features:

  • Installation Tubing: RainDance is including color-coded tubing and easy quick-connect fittings for your commercial RO system to make installation a breeze. Color tubing coordinates with the RO feed water (white), product water (blue), and drain water (yellow). Includes 3 sets of 20ft flexible 1/2" tubing.

  • Pressure Vessel/Membrane Assembly: This is where the dissolved solids are separated from the feed water. This assembly consists of 1 316 SS pressure vessel that houses the reverse osmosis (RO) membrane. Stainless steel pressure vessels are standard on all 4 models.

  • Pump: The pump boosts water pressure in the pressure vessel/membrane assembly to about 150 psig to ensure high dissolved solids rejection and high flow rates.

  • Motor: Used to drive the pump. Motors are Open Drip Proof construction (OPD) with thermal overload protection.

  • Electronic Controller: The electronic controller accepts input commands and signals to control operation of the R.O. system.

  • Solenoid Valve: Electrically operated valve that prevents water from flowing through the system when it is not in operation. The coil and body are separate replaceable units.

  • Brine Flow Control: This assembly contains the orifice flow restrictor sized to produce approximately 125-175 psi in the pressure vessel/membrane.

  • Vessel In Pressure Control Valve: A needle valve that controls the amount of brine from the membrane to be re-circulated back into the feed stream. This feature allows for higher recovery rates, This valve provides control of system operating pressure as well as brine flow rate and TDS.

  • Tank Pressure Gauge: This gauge displays the pressure within the product water bladder storage tank. If the R.O. system is supplying product water to an atmospheric storage tank this gauge will always read zero.

  • Vessel-In Gauge: This gauge displays the operating pressure at the inlet of the membrane pressure vessel. This pressure indication is used in the setup of the unit and as an early warning of membrane fouling.

  • Fast Flush Valve: This valve is located on the brine flow control assembly and provides a means of bypassing the flow restrictor orifice. Periodically (at least monthly) this valve should be turned to vertical for 30 to 60 seconds and then returned to the horizontal position while the system is running. This will provide a momentary high velocity, low pressure flow across the membrane to help flush away any accumulated particles or debris.

  • Product Water Check Valve: This valve is located in the product line coming out of the membrane pressure vessel. It acts to prevent back flow of product water from the pressurized storage tank into the membrane when the system is not operating.

  • Low Feed Pressure Switch: This pressure switch provides a signal to the electronic controller to turn off the system in the event of low incoming feed pressure. It is factory set to cut off if the pressure drops below 15 psi.

  • Atmospheric Storage Tank Float Switch: Pre-installed Float Switch - Conserves water! Shuts RO system off when storage tank is full. Includes one float switch and weight for system control by tank level. Click Here to view our atmospheric storage tank and pump options.

  • Reverse Osmosis Frame: "showroom quality" The system frame includes a base and two channel frames fabricated in stainless steel. All fasteners on the system are stainless steel. The frame provides a mounting for all the RO system components.

  • Rubber Feet: These allow for a stable mounting on an uneven surface and for vibration and sound mitigation.

  • Inlet Feed Water Port: Filtered feed water is supplied to the system via this 1/2” tube size quick connector.

  • RO Product Water Port: Purified product water leaves the system via this 1/2” tube size quick connector. Typically this connector will be plumbed to the product water storage tank.

  • RO Drain Port: Concentrated brine water leaves the system through this 1/2” tube size quick connector.

  • Post DI System: Bed High Purity Post DI Replaceable Cartridge: Ultra High Purity water > 18 Megohm Deionizer Mixed bed cartridge - this system is installed after the RO unit, completing the purification process and providing spot-free water. (1) 4” x 20” Big Blue Deionization Cartridge mounted separately. Includes housing, bracket, wrench and (1) DI cartridge.

  • Support Equipment: Sediment & carbon de-chlorination and chloramine removal pretreatment filters are included to prevent premature fouling and prolong the life of the RO membrane.

  • Replacement Filters: All RO systems include a 3 year supply of sediment & carbon prefilters at no extra charge.

  • Testing Equipment: Separate conductivity (ec), total dissolved solids (TDS) and water temperature monitors are included to assure your RO/DI system is working at optimum performance.

  • Water Totalizing Meter - Our reverse osmosis totalizing meter accurately displays how many gallons of water you are using, making it easier for you to monitor your daily water use and track how many gallons are running through the filters.

  • Shipping: We offer free delivery within the continental USA 


RainDance RO/DI Spot-Free Water Filters For Carwashes

Removes High Total Dissolved Solids And Excessive Minerals From Water Supplies

Part #

Gallons Per Day





400gpd RO/DI 


28"W x 8"D x 12"H
w/ attached prefilters - 25"H

110v, 60hz, 6.5A



800gpd RO/DI 


28"W x 8"D x 14"H
w/ attached prefilters - 37"H

110v, 60hz, 11A



1200gpd RO/DI


28"W x 8"D x 14"H
w/ attached prefilters - 37"H

110v, 60hz, 11A



1500gpd RODI 


45"W x 8"D x 14"H
w/ attached prefilters - 37"H

110v, 60hz, 11A


Operating Parameters: Max TDS-2500ppm, Total iron is less than 0.3ppm, Manganese is less than 0.05ppm, Water hardness below 5 gpg.

Commercial Reverse Osmosis For Car Washes

RainDance High Capacity RO Systems

2,000 - 12,000
Gallons Per Day 

In almost all reverse osmosis applications, providing pretreatment for the feed water protects and extends the life of the purification. While there are some exceptions, some type of pretreatment equipment is almost always used to protect the RO system. We offer complete pretreatment capabilities that include, iron filters, sediment removal, water softeners, chlorine filters, antiscalant systems, UV ultraviolet disinfection and more. Contact Sales@RainDanceWaterSystems.com for all your pretreatment needs. Note: Any free pretreatment offers will be included in your quote.

Reverse Osmosis Storage Tank Options:

Reverse osmosis systems produce water as a small stream, so a separate storage tank is needed to store water for use. Use your own storage tank or combine with one of ours!

 Use or Source Your Own Atmospheric Storage Tank
 · We are now giving our customers the option of using or sourcing their own storage tank!
  · Most atmospheric storage tanks are compatible with our whole house RO packages!
  · Find the right storage tank that fits your space requirements and save even more!
  · Use your own storage tank and add our FREE float switch & float assembly!
  · Preinstalled float switch on RO conserves water by shutting off RO when tank is full!
 *Must be purchased with RO Packages at the same time.

Float Switch & Float

 200 Gallon Atmospheric Storage Tank
 · Approx. 31" dia. x 72" ht.
 · Includes complete float for tank and float switch on RO for full tank shut off.
*Appearances may vary

Price: $1,395.00ea

 300 Gallon Atmospheric Storage Tank
 · Approx. 35" dia. x 85" ht. (Designed to fit through standard doorways)
 · Includes complete float for tank and float switch on RO for full tank shut off.
*Appearances may vary

Price: $1,495.00ea

 500 Gallon Atmospheric Storage Tank
 · Approx. 47" dia. x 83" ht.
 · Includes complete float for tank and float switch on RO for full tank shut off.
*Appearances may vary

Price: $1,795.00ea



 Scala 10gpm Upgraded Delivery Pump
 · Fully integrated compact booster pump draws water from RO storage tank and delivers perfect water pressure to all taps.
 · Installs quickly and easily and features one of the lowest noise levels (47 dB(A)) in it's class.
 · Dimensions: 16"L x 7.6" W x 12"H; 1" Inlet/Outlet Ports. Power is 110v, 1-phase. 1 HP Motor. Output is 10 gpm at 50psi.
 · Includes (2) 1" Stainless Steel Flex Hoses for easy installation!

Price: $995.00ea

Car Wash Water Softener Catalog
Commercial Water Softener Guide: Single 1" | Single 1.25" | Single 1.5" | Single 2" | Single 3" | Twin 1" | Twin 1.5" | Twin 2" | Twin 3"

Hard Water (Hard White Chalky Spots and Scale) can damage and cause spotting and etching to your vehicles paint and windows. Hardness also hinders soap from doing its job cleaning your vehicles. Hard water reacts with soap to form a sticky scum, and also reduces the soap's ability to lather. Hardness in water is caused by mineral salts, mostly calcium and magnesium, but sometimes also iron and manganese. To remove hard water (calcium, magnesium hardness) iron, and rust we offer light commercial to industrial sized water softeners as well as hard water scale prevention systems without water softening.

Carbon FilterMilitary Discounts

RainDance Water Systems 1" Single Series Water Softeners
Same Day Shipping
on most online orders if placed before 2pm PST!

Model # App. Grain
Media Tank
Brine Tank
Pipe Size Flow Rate Price  
RDWS-MWS-9 30,000  9"D x 48"H 18"D x 40"H 1" Service 10gpm
Peak 15gpm
*Free Shipping

RDWS-MWS-10 45,000  10"D x 54"H 18"D x 40"H 1" Service 13gpm
Peak 18gpm
*Free Shipping

RDWS-MWS-12 60,000  12"D x 52"H 18"D x 40"H 1" Service 16gpm
Peak 21gpm
*Free Shipping

As a convenience to our customers the water softener tanks listed above are delivered pre-assembled & preloaded with media - Most companies ship heavy bags of filter media separately for you to pour into the tank, which if not done properly can be a nightmare for you or your installer! All RDWS-MWS Water Softeners are pre-programmed to your water and use for immediate service!

RainDance Water Systems includes an easy to use Digital Meter Valve, Protective tank jacket, and 1" MNPT Plastic Bypass - Power 110v 60hz standard electrical supply. 50 Hard Water Test Strips included with every order!


Carbon FilterMilitary Discounts

RainDance Water Systems 1.25" Single Series Water Softeners
Same Day Shipping on most online orders if placed before 2pm PST!

Model # App. Grain
Media Tank
Brine Tank
Pipe Size Flow Rate Price  
RDWS-MWS-125-10 45,000  10"D x 54"H 18"D x 40"H 1.25" Service 18gpm
Peak 23gpm
*Free Shipping

RDWS-MWS-125-12 60,000  12"D x 52"H 18"D x 40"H 1.25" Service 21gpm
Peak 26gpm
*Free Shipping

*Does not include
protective tank jacket
75,000  14"D x 65"H 18"D x 40"H 1.25" Service 25gpm
Peak 30gpm
*Free Shipping

As a convenience to our customers the RDWS-MWS-125-10 & 12 listed above are delivered pre-assembled & preloaded with media. All RDWS-MWS Water Softeners are pre-programmed to your water and use for immediate service!

Note: Because of the shipping weight the RDWS-MWS-125-14 will be shipped with tank, valve, and media shipped separately on pallet. This system comes with complete easy to understand installation and filling instructions.

RainDance Water Systems includes an easy to use Digital Meter Valve, Protective tank jacket, and 1.25" MNPT Plastic Bypass - Power 110v 60hz standard electrical supply. 50 Hard Water Test Strips included with every order!

Carbon FilterMilitary Discounts

RainDance Water Systems 1.5" Single Series Water Softeners
Same Day Shipping on most online orders if placed before 2pm PST!

Metered, 1 1/2" Plumbing Ports, High Flow Water Softeners from RainDance Water Systems. Softening systems for Large Homes, Apartments/Condominiums, Car Washes, Boiler Feed water, Hospitals, Laundries, Manufacturing Plants, Office Complexes, Institutions, Food Processing Plants, Cafes, Bars, Restaurants, Farms, and Businesses. Protect your equipment from hard water scale!

Multiple systems can be plumbed in parallel to accommodate larger flow rate capacities!

Model # Media
App. Grain
Media Tank
Brine Tank
Pipe Size Est. MAX
Flow Rate
RDWS-MWS-2814 3CF 90,000  14"D x 65"H 24"D x 50"H 1.5" 30gpm $2,895.00
*Free Shipping

RDWS-MWS-2816 4CF 120,000  16"D x 65"H 24"D x 50"H 1.5" 40gpm $3,095.00
*Free Shipping

RDWS-MWS-2818 5CF 150,000  18"D x 65"H 24"D x 50"H 1.5" 50gpm $3,295.00
*Free Shipping

RDWS-MWS-2821 7CF 210,000  21"D x 62"H 24"D x 50"  1.5" 60gpm
*Shipping Quoted Upon Request
RDWS-MWS-2824 10CF 300,000  24"D x 72"H 30"D x 48"H 1.5" 70gpm
*Shipping Quoted Upon Request
RDWS-MWS-2830 15CF 450,000  30"D x 72"H 39"D x 48"H 1.5" 80gpm
*Shipping Quoted Upon Request

RainDance Water Systems 1.5" high flow water softener systems include a Meter Valve. Systems are standard 120v, 60 Hz, Brass 1.5" FNPT valve for soft water. 50 Hard Water Test Strips included with every order! All RDWS-MWS Water Softeners are pre-programmed for your water and use for immediate service!

Note: Because of the shipping weight the water softeners listed above will be shipped with tank, valve, and media shipped separately on pallet. All systems come with complete easy to understand installation and filling instructions.

Carbon Filter

RainDance Water Systems 2" Single Series Water Softeners

Metered, 2" Plumbing Ports, High Flow Water Softeners from RainDance Water Systems. Softening systems for Large Homes, Apartments/Condominiums, Car Washes, Boiler Feed water, Hospitals, Laundries, Manufacturing Plants, Office Complexes, Institutions, Food Processing Plants, Cafes, Bars, Restaurants, Farms, and Businesses. Protect your equipment from hard water scale!

Multiple systems can be plumbed in parallel to accommodate larger flow rate capacities!

Model # Media
App. Grain
Media Tank
Brine Tank
Pipe Size Est. MAX
Flow Rate
RDWS-S2916M 4CF 120,000  16"D x 65"H 24"D x 50"H 2" 57gpm

*Shipping Quoted Upon Request

RDWS-S2918M 5CF 150,000  18"D x 65"H 24"D x 50"H 2" 62gpm
RDWS-S2921M 7CF 210,000  21"D x 62"H 24"D x 50"  2" 77gpm
RDWS-S2924M 10CF 300,000  24"D x 72"H 30"D x 48"H 2" 95gpm
RDWS-S2930M 15CF 450,000  30"D x 72"H 39"D x 48"H 2" 140gpm
RDWS-S2936M 20CF 600,000 36"D x 72"H 50"D x 60"H 2" 140gpm

RainDance Water Systems 2" high flow water softener systems include a Meter Valve. Systems are standard 120v, 60 Hz, 2" FNPT connections and include Environmental Cover with Window. 50 Hard Water Test Strips included with every order!

RainDance Water Systems 3" Single Series Water Softeners

Metered, 3" Plumbing Ports, High Flow Water Softeners from RainDance Water Systems

Model # Media
App. Grain
Media Tank
Brine Tank
Pipe Size Est. MAX
Flow Rate
RDWS-S3924M 10CF 300,000  24"D x 72"H 30"D x 48"H 3" 170gpm

*Shipping Quoted Upon Request

RDWS-S3930M 15CF 450,000  30"D x 72"H 39"D x 48"H 3" 210gpm
RDWS-S3936M 20CF 600,000 36"D x 72"H 50"D x 60"H 3" 250gpm
RDWS-S3942M 30CF 900,000 42"D x 72"H 50"D x 60"H 3" 270gpm
RDWS-S3948M 40CF 1,200,000 48"D x 72"H 50"D x 60"H 3" 280gpm

RainDance Water Systems 3" high flow water softener systems include a Meter Valve. Systems are standard 120v, 60 Hz, 3" FNPT connections and include Environmental Cover with Window. 50 Hard Water Test Strips included with every order!

RainDance Water Systems Twin Series Continuous Water Softeners
Twin alternating water softeners are used where there is a demand for continuous soft water without any down time. Perfect commercial/industrial applications and heavy water users that desire an unlimited flow of soft water with no fear of hard unfiltered water getting into pipes.
The commercial alternating twin tanks provide an uninterrupted supply of soft water to your business. Water is softened and filtered in one tank while the other is in a standby mode. When the softening capacity of the first tank is reached, the system automatically switches tanks. The first tank is then recharged. This cycle is repeated when the second tank reaches its capacity point.
  • For use on hard city municipal water and well water sources.
  • Installing this twin alternating system ensures maximum performance of all your water using appliances with consistent quality and quantity of soft water.
  • Provides salt and water savings by using 100% capacity of the tank in service before switching to the second tank.
  • Regenerates immediately for continuous soft water pretreatment.
  • Regenerates with soft water and keeps system clean for optimum operating efficiency.
  • The Alternating Twin Softener can regenerate anytime, day or night, without hard water breakthrough. Thus, eliminating any down time during regeneration.
  • Proven technology and performance
Carbon FilterMilitary Discounts

RainDance Water Systems 1" TWIN Series Water Softeners
Same Day Shipping on most online orders if placed before 2pm PST!

Model # App. Grain
Media Tank
Brine Tank
Pipe Size Flow Rate Price  
TWIN-RDWS-MWS-9 30,000  (2)
9"D x 48"H
18"D x 40"H
1" Service 10gpm
Peak 15gpm
*Free Shipping

TWIN-RDWS-MWS-10 45,000  (2)
10"D x 54"H
18"D x 40"H
1" Service 13gpm
Peak 18gpm
*Free Shipping

TWIN-RDWS-MWS-12 60,000  (2)
12"D x 52"H
18"D x 40"H
1" Service 16gpm
Peak 21gpm
*Free Shipping

As a convenience to our customers the water softener tanks listed above are delivered pre-assembled & preloaded with media -Most companies ship heavy bags of filter media separately for you to pour into the tank, which if not done properly can be a nightmare for you or your installer! All RDWS-MWS Water Softeners are pre-programmed for your water and use for immediate service!

RainDance Water Systems includes an easy to use Digital Meter Valve, Protective tank jacket, and 1" MNPT Plastic Bypass - Power 110v 60hz standard electrical supply. 50 Hard Water Test Strips included with every order!

Carbon FilterMilitary Discounts

RainDance Water Systems 1.5" TWIN Series Water Softeners
Same Day Shipping on most online orders if placed before 2pm PST!

RainDance Water Systems High Flow 1.5"
Twin Alternating Continuous Water Softeners

Metered, 1 1/2" Plumbing Ports, High Flow Twin Water Softeners from RainDance Water Systems. Softening systems for Large Homes, Apartments/Condominiums, Car Washes, Boiler Feed water, Hospitals, Laundries, Manufacturing Plants, Office Complexes, Institutions, Food Processing Plants, Cafes, Bars, Restaurants, Farms, and Businesses. Protect your equipment from hard water scale!

Model # Media
App. Grain
Media Tank
Brine Tank
Pipe Size Est. MAX
Flow Rate
6CF 90,000  14"D x 65"H 24"D x 50"H 1.5" 30gpm $4,195.00
*Free Shipping

8CF 120,000  16"D x 65"H 24"D x 50"H 1.5" 40gpm $5,095.00
*Free Shipping

10CF 150,000  18"D x 65"H 24"D x 50"H 1.5" 50gpm $5,595.00
*Free Shipping

14CF 210,000  21"D x 62"H 24"D x 50"  1.5" 60gpm
*Shipping Quoted Upon Request
20CF 300,000  24"D x 72"H 30"D x 48"H 1.5" 70gpm
*Shipping Quoted Upon Request

RainDance Water Systems 1.5" high flow TWIN water softener systems include a Meter Valve. Systems are standard 120v, 60 Hz, Brass 1.5" FNPT valve for soft water. 50 Hard Water Test Strips included with every order! All RDWS-MWS Water Softeners are pre-programmed for your water and use for immediate service!

 Because of the shipping weight the water softeners listed above will be shipped with tank, valve, and media shipped separately on pallet. All systems come with complete easy to understand installation and filling instructions.

Carbon Filter

RainDance Water Systems 2" Twin Alternating Water Softeners

Metered, 2" Plumbing Ports, High Flow Water Softeners from RainDance Water Systems

Model # Media
App. Grain
Media Tank
Brine Tank
Pipe Size Est. MAX
Flow Rate
RDWS-AT2916M 8CF 120,000  (2) 16"D x 65"H 24"D x 50"H 2" 57gpm

*Shipping Quoted Upon Request

RDWS-AT2918M 10CF 150,000  (2) 18"D x 65"H 24"D x 50"H 2" 62gpm
RDWS-AT2921M 14CF 210,000  (2) 21"D x 62"H 24"D x 50"  2" 77gpm
RDWS-AT2924M 20CF 300,000  (2) 24"D x 72"H 30"D x 48"H 2" 95gpm
RDWS-AT2930M 30CF 450,000  (2) 30"D x 72"H 39"D x 48"H 2" 140gpm
RDWS-AT2936M 40CF 600,000 (2) 36"D x 72"H 50"D x 60"H 2" 140gpm

RainDance Water Systems 2" high flow TWIN water softener systems include a Meter Valve. Systems are standard 120v, 60 Hz, 2" FNPT connections and include Environmental Cover with Window. 50 Hard Water Test Strips included with every order!

RainDance Water Systems 3" Twin Alternating Water Softeners

Metered, 3" Plumbing Ports, High Flow Water Softeners from RainDance Water Systems

Model # Media
App. Grain
Media Tank
Brine Tank
Pipe Size Est. MAX
Flow Rate
RDWS-AT3924M 20CF 300,000  (2) 24"D x 72"H 30"D x 48"H 3" 170gpm

*Shipping Quoted Upon Request

RDWS-AT3930M 30CF 450,000  (2) 30"D x 72"H 39"D x 48"H 3" 210gpm
RDWS-AT3936M 40CF 600,000 (2) 36"D x 72"H 50"D x 60"H 3" 250gpm
RDWS-AT3942M 60CF 900,000 (2) 42"D x 72"H 50"D x 60"H 3" 270gpm
RDWS-AT3948M 80CF 1,200,000 (2) 48"D x 72"H 50"D x 60"H 3" 280gpm

RainDance Water Systems 3" high flow TWIN water softener systems include a Meter Valve. Systems are standard 120v, 60 Hz, 3" FNPT connections and include Environmental Cover with Window. 50 Hard Water Test Strips included with every order!